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The Love Compass: A 6-month Program For Engaged Couples | Couples | 6 Months | *Condensed



During our time together, I will help you to identify your personal and relationship needs.

*Special rate for January 2024 – Couples 6 month – $8997 deposit $2249.25
Monthly installments $1349.55
One-time payment of $8457.18

VIP day(s)
– 1.5- 3hr initial strategy session (at your home, office, OR my office) preferably in the comfort of your environment. This can also be a 2 tier session
– 4-month strategy check-in and adjustment session
– weekly 1hr focused session
– same day sos calls for immediate, intimate, family or workplace support
– Scientific Relationship /partnership assessment and results
– Maintenance strategy(post 6 mths)
-unlimited email and WhatsApp access