Have you ever questioned your friendships? As the saying goes, if you want to know who your true friends are, go through something. Well, I have been through something, and although I knew who they were or wasn’t prior to going through, I am reminded today of my true friendships.
Although there are different levels of friendships, I have always been that friend to confide in, support (financially, spiritually, emotionally etc) and be that cheerleader for those in which I value.
I have been the mediator between couples, their children and other friends and family. I have been betrayed and chose to forgive. I have given of myself in times when I shouldn’t have. I have supported projects, family events and entrepreneurship adventures. Sadly, as I reflect on friendships today, I am reminded that many of my so called friendships are lopsided.
Who do I blame? Myself. As I reflect on friendship, I am also reflecting on my participating in each of them. None of what I am seeing today came from out of no where. It’s been this way, I just chose to overlook it. However, as off today, I will no longer tolerate those people, places and things in which add little to no contribution to my life ( my life also includes my family).
Not sure if it’s my big bark, got it all together appearance, or my ability to accomplish what I pray for, but what I do know is that AS OFF TODAY, I will no longer fill my days honoring friendships that do not honor or value me.
I Choose Me